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Pokemon Tin Containing 121 Pokemon Cards

SKU: 0543-1949441
The item is no longer available

Pokemon Tin Containing 121 Pokemon Cards
Tin contains 88 Pokemon cards, 14 energy Cards & 19 Trainer Card
Card Rarity: 61 Common cards, 34 Uncommon Cards,11 Rare Cards, 14 Promo Cards & 1 Holo Promo Card
Refer to photos for examples of cards contained in the Pokemon tin
No Pokemon Card Rarity No Pokemon Card Rarity
1 Alolan Ratica 042/078 Common 62 Ralts 91/147 Common
2 Aron 109/198 Common 63 Rockruff 094/185 Common
3 Baltoy 093/195 Common 64 Rookidee 219/264 Common
4 Beldum 117/195 Common 65 Sandaconda 010/015 Promo
5 Bidoof 059/078 Common 66 Sandygast 125/264 Common
6 Bronzor 125/196 Common 67 Scorbunny 16/25 Promo
7 Buneary 116/149 Common 68 Seadra 036/196 Uncommon
8 Castform - Rainy Form 033/198 Common 69 Sentret 135/189 Common
9 Cetoddle 004/015 Promo 70 Sizzlipede 047/264 Common
10 Cetoddle 004/015 Promo 71 Snorunt 034/172 Common
11 Charmander 008/078 Common 72 Sobble 24/25 Promo
12 Chinchou 8/15 Promo 73 Stufful 150/264 Common
13 Claydol 103/202 Rare 74 Sudowoodo 074/189 Common
14 Combee 011/189 Common 75 Sudowoodo 074/189 Common
15 Deino 108/189 Common 76 Swadloon 010/264 Common
16 Diggersby 096/189 Rare 77 Taillow 133/185 Common
17 Dottler 019/196 Uncommon 78 Tandemaus 013/015 Promo
18 Drifblim 064/189 Uncommon 79 Tandemaus 013/015 Promo
19 Drifloon 063/189 Common 80 Tangela 7/147 Common
20 Dubwool 223/264 Uncommon 81 Toxapex 115/195 Uncommon
21 Excadrill 122/185 Uncommon 82 Toxicroak 166/264 Rare
22 Fennekin 025/195 Common 83 Tynamo 10/15 Promo
23 Frosmoth 085/264 Uncommon 84 Ursaring 123/189 Uncommon
24 Galarian Darumaka 071/264 Common 85 Voltorb 045/185 Common
25 Galarian Meowth 112/185 Common 86 Walrein 039/198 Rare
26 Gastly 055/198 Common 87 Woobat 068/203 Common
27 Girafarig 065/185 Uncommon 88 Yanma 006/185 Common
28 Gossifleur 3/15 Promo 89 Trainer - Bea 147/185 Uncommon
29 Grapploct 101/185 Rare 90 Trainer - Brawly 131/198 Uncommon
30 Greedent 151/196 Rare 91 Trainer - Caitlin 132/198 Uncommon
31 Grookey 8/25 Promo 92 Trainer - Cook 228/264 Uncommon
32 Hippopotas 079/189 Common 93 Trainer - Crushing Hammer 168/198 Uncommon
33 Hisuian Overqwil 091/189 RAre 94 Trainer - Delivery Drone 178/193 Uncommon
34 Hisuian Qwilfish 088/189 Common 95 Trainer - Exp. Share 174/198 Uncommon
35 Hisuian Samurott 100/189 Rare 96 Trainer - Grant 144/189 Uncommon
36 Hitmonchan 081/203 Common 97 Trainer - Katy 177/198 Uncommon
37 Hoothoot 120/189 Common 98 Trainer - Klara 145/198 Uncommon
38 Horsea 035/196 Common 99 Trainer - Path to Peak 148/198 Uncommon
39 Jynx 068/196 Common 100 Trainer - Peony 150/198 Uncommon
40 Kakuna 002/198 Common 101 Trainer - Ribbon Badge 155/203 Uncommon
41 Kricketot 009/189 Common 102 Trainer - Siebold 153/198 Uncommon
42 Krokorok 079/159 Uncommon 103 Trainer - Spongy Gloves 243/264 Uncommon
43 Lapras 6/15 Promo 104 Trainer - Temple of Sinnoh 155/189 Uncommon
44 Larvitar 037/078 Common 105 Trainer - Thornton 167/196 Uncommon
45 Litten 15/25 Promo 106 Trainer - Thornton 167/196 Uncommon
46 Makuhita 097/196 Common 107 Trainer - Unidentified Fossil 165/195 Uncommon
47 Mamoswine 133/189 Rare 108 Energy - Basic Darkness Energy - 2020 Common
48 Murkrow 114/196 Common 109 Energy - Basic Darkness Energy - 2022 Common
49 Nickit 104/203 Common 110 Energy - Basic Fire Energy - 2020 Common
50 Nosepass 073/172 Common 111 Energy - Basic Fire Energy - 2020 Common
51 Pancham 149/264 Common 112 Energy - Basic Grass Energy - 2020 Common
52 Pikachu 006/0015 Holo Promo 113 Energy - Basic Grass Energy - 2020 Common
53 Piloswine 032/189 Uncommon 114 Energy - Basic Grass Energy - 2022 Common
54 Piplup 035/172 Common 115 Energy - Basic Lightning Energy - 2022 Common
55 Poliwag 030/196 Common 116 Energy - Basic Metal Darkness Energy - 2022 Common
56 Poochyena 095/189 Common 117 Energy - Basic Water Energy -2020 Common
57 Poochyena 103/185 Common 118 Energy - Hiding Energy 175/189 Uncommon
58 Poochyena 103/185 Common 119 Energy - Luminous Energy 19193 Uncommon
59 Quaxly 003/015 Promo 120 Energy - Single Strike 141/163 Uncommon
60 Radiant Garevoir 069/196 Rare 121 Energy - Spiral Energy 159/198 Uncommon
61 Radiant Heatran 027/189 Rare

Used: good
Collectables Types
Trading Cards

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